Консультация невролога (невропатолога). Город Екатеринбург.

Болезни позвоночника.
Реабилитация после инсульта.
Последствия черепно- мозговых травм.
Лечебные блокады.

Кандидат медицинских наук, заведующий «Лечебно- консультативным центром НейроЭксперт» ГАУЗ СО ЦГКБ № 23,
  Вадим Венальевич Гусев

Запись на очную консультацию по тел.8 (343)389-93-66 и 8 (343) 328-40-16

Реабилитация после инсульта в условиях многопрофильной больницы.

Ботулинотерапия против головной боли!


Заданный вопрос
  • 01.08.2019GinaGercendor
    Hi I'm Gina.
    I'm mother of two wonderful 10 years sons. Their father has left us 8 years ago.
    I have a question, maybe some of you can help me?
    At what age should a parent teach their son about ‘sex education’ if there is no father around or would it be better for the child to have a male family member to do this?
    It really bothers me because i've found adult magazine in Their room.

    Will be happy to hear any advice.
  • Вадим Венальевич Гусев
    Hi Gina!
    It is generally accepted that sex education should begin fairly early. However, each age should have its own level of knowledge.
    There is a special literature, quite clearly corresponding to different ages.
    As for magazines, don’t worry, this is normal.
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